

  • 2024-05-30 22:37 2127
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:浙江杭州 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 台产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:136081286公司编号:20158087
  • 蒋新浩 经理 微信 13336187598
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All the parts of the machine in contact with the dye liquor are in stainless steel AISI 316 L.

Working temperature: from 5 to 140°C.

Working pressure: from 0 to 6 bar.

Safety interlock device that allows opening lid just in safety pressure and temperature conditions

(Less than 0, 2 bar and 85°C).

Spray deflector ring in the machine lid.

External thermometer.

Maximum temperature switch (150 °C) and high temperature switch (85 °C).

Maximum pressure switch (6 bar) and high-pressure switch (0.2 bar).

Mechanical safety release valve (6 bar setting pressure).

The available internal kiers diameters are 170, 200, 220, 250 or 270 mm (others available upon request). Every kier is equipped with a removable spindle and suitable press-loading/package removal device.

According to the dimensions, each kier can be charged from one to 15 kg of different type of materials and can have a volume from 5 up to 90 litres.

Every kier can be loaded with the same liquor ratio from the minimum to the maximum load. Air pad mode and automatic filling guarantee a constant liquor ratio in every load condition.

Standard machine's liquor ratio is 1:6. It can vary at customer request from 1:4 to 1:12 and it is always constant from minimum to maximum load.

Fill: Machine Automatic filling kier with level shown in controller

Drain: atmospheric pressure drainage valves fitted to the machine at the lowest point of the system so that the whole machine be self-draining in either case.

Hot Drain: Each kier is equipped with hot drain device, which allows draining at high temperature.

Pneumatic overflow rinsing valve located at the top of the kier.

Eco rinsing function: to optimise rinsing efficiency, save time and water during the pro­cess this function transfers hot water from stock tank to main kier by means of the circulation pump.

The water is pushed through the packages in “IN-OUT” direction. At the same time drain valve is opened so no contami­nated water returns to the packages.

This function achieves to save between 20 minutes and 1 hour on a full standard dyeing process.

Heating: Steam heating by steam coil (internal coil heat exchanger) or electric heating by electrical resistors. PID heating and cooling to achieve 1% tolerance on set point temperature.

Cooling by circulation of cold water in the heat exchanger controlled by cooling valve.

The main circulation pump (one each kier) is a bidirectional stainless steel pump fitted with a silicon carbide rotating/silicon carbide stationary mechanical seal. All mechanical seal o-rings are in Kalrez® to achieve long life with acetic acid and caustic soda.

It is a small volume pump to grant low liquor ratio even at minimum load.

Its own high efficiency motor drives the pump. Each motor has its own inverter to vary automatically pump speed.

This particular pump allows treating polyester textured high density until 0,5 Kg/l as well as a very soft material like silk 0, 3 kg/l density in order to process every kind of material you can have in your dye house.

Flow Reversals: the flow direction control is done by the main pump rotation, which is linked to the controller to give the required duration at the flow reversal times in to out and out to in. The pump speed is programmable on both directions in to out and out to in through an inverter.

Kier valves: all are pneumatic valves with body in stainless steel 316L with gaskets suitable for an excellent resistance to high pressure and temperature and dyeing chemicals. Homologated valves are Hoffman, Burkert and m&m Rotork;

N.B. the machine is supply with all necessary not return valves and steam-traps.

Manometers: two front pressure gauges used to see the internal pressure of the pump in each of the working directions (DELTA-P visualization and measurement).

Air pad automatic control.

Delta P meter (optional). This device measures differential pressure between IN to OUT and OUT to IN and is linked to the controller which automatically regulates inverter speed accordingly to set differential pressure.

Flow Meter (optional): Equipped with pump flow automatic measurement and control to give a required rate of flow depending on the kind of yarn and winding density of package to process. Inverter regulates pump speed accordingly to set pump flow.

欢迎来到杭州雷迈科技有限公司网站,我公司位于与苏州并称“苏杭”,素有“上有天堂下有苏杭”美誉的杭州。 具体地址是浙江杭州城厢街道通惠中路1号绿都泰富广场1幢2205室,负责人是蒋新浩。
联系电话是86-571-82733525, 主要经营Datacolor颜色测量仪器、Vizoo材质扫描系统、NanoSystem非接触式形貌仪、Radiant铁电材料测试仪、Siltex涂层复合设备、Inkmaker自动化配料系统。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。

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